
Your Support Is Essential For Us To Grow

Please consider donating to us so that we can keep giving the underpriveledged children, the gift of quality education.

Tips Global Educational Resources (www.tipsger.org) LOGO

About Us: TIPSGER.org

It is our opinion that all children have the right to quality education. However, primary and secondary schools are unavailable to many students in the world. Hunger is another factor that affects the learning process of children. Therefore, we think education and food are essential resources for a society to thrive. Tips Global Educational Resources (TGER) is impacting students’ lives to combat these limitations.

Tips Global Educational Resources also identifies/connects with schools in the United States and supplies students with the educational tools for their academic success.

TGER's was established with a desire to uplift, motivate, and to empower students to increase the level of achievement by promoting literacy, building skills for independence and supporting social emotional development. Our enthusiasm for teaching is the primary motivation that propelled us to align with supporters and the community to identify strategies in administering support for educational enlightenment for needed schools in the United States and Liberia, West Africa. TGER added the Children of Hope Home, an orphanage, and TGER continues to assist these schools.

In 2015, we initiated a pilot program with the St. Paul Elementary School (in a rural village) and Carvery Revival School System (outskirts of Monrovia) Liberia, West Africa. The organization provides assistance to the schools in Liberia with the aid from the community and other supporters.

In 2016, there was an emergency with the school's roof that needed repair due to leakage. TGER did an outreach by contacting supporters to aid with this project. Even though, the roof is repaired, there are many things that remain for improvement. However, TGER realizes it cannot provide this task without the charitable help from patrons.