The Saint Paul School in Sasstown District of Grand Kru County, Liberia, appeals to Tips Global Educational Resources (TGER) for footwear(sneakers & socks), school supplies such as coloring books, crayons, and pens/pencils.
School In Grand Kru District

The urgency for accomplishing this goal was very immersed. TGER obtained 200 pairs of footwear from the community and purchased the school supplies. The challenge was transporting the goods.

We were very excited about the outcome and wasted no time
shipping the goods. TGER was excited and anticipated a smooth
sail for the shipment. However, we had some very extreme
challenges for the goods to reach the final destination.

Because of the hazardous road conditions, we had to choose an
alternate plan. We contacted our liaisons in Liberian to arrange for
transportation. Tips Global Education Resources sent the goods
by boat from the port of Buchanan to Sasstown, Liberia. This
venue was the most challenging, but there was no other choice.

The goods arrived wet but were sundried before distribution. It
was rewarding for the school community to receive the goods as
the challenges turned into triumph.