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Create A Space For A Library Is In Progress


Tips Global Educational Resources has a strong desire to create a library space at participating schools in the communities in Liberia, West Africa. Our fundamental desire is to introduce this program to the St. Paul School as a pilot program. TGER’s goal is to have the program started by the end of 2022.

The organization anticipates this program will be cost-effective as TGER utilizes existing rooms/spaces without building new libraries. The ideology remains the same at any school willing to participate and become part of a consortium. Tips Global Educational Resources will provide the books and school supplies. The organization has already partnered with various entities ready to support TGER’s vision. 

TGER understands that it takes a village to raise a child. This organization has a strong desire to extend our services to other struggling schools and communities to create a space for a library. TGER hopes to become a beacon of hope as we plant the instrument of learning through books to empower young boys and girls and include various communities.

Our goal is to facilitate change to help individuals interact with each other for a particular purpose through reading. A library environment is necessary for students to explore new ideas through reading, finding information on different topics, discussion about books, and gathering with their peers for research. Part of TGER’s plan is to renovate the library for each school with your help.